June course dates

I am in the process of finalizing training dates for June/July. Here is what I have so far:

16-17 June...   Gunfight Concepts - 2 day Pistol/Carbine, to be held in the Eugene area.

23-24 June...   Kidnap Defense - 2 day course, to be held in the Bend area.

The weekend of the 30th is up in the air at this point, I have had some varied requests, so I will continue to try and work with everyone as best I can.
   I should also add that I can put on an NRA Basic Pistol Certification course if I have at least a few interested parties. This will give you the NRA cert that will satisfy the Oregon Concealed Handgun License required training. It is also a very good course for those that are inexperienced or new to pistol shooting.   


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