Rainy, muddy range day...

Today's drills: Pistol Retro

IPSC Target
Time: One minute
Total rounds: Nine

Stage One -

From concealment, starting from target,

Run to 10 yard line, draw-turn, shoot two to A zone (chest), one to A zone (head)

Run (at high port) to 25 yard line, turn, shoot two (chest)

Run (at high port) to 50 yard line, turn, shoot two (chest)

Run (at high port) to 100 yard line, turn, shoot two (chest)

Score with normal IPSC scoring - 40 points is a pass

Stage Two -

Same thing, except - stage your magazines so that you have to do a stress/combat reload as you run from 25 to 50 and another from 50 to 100.

Next, carbine from 50 yards,

IPSC Target
No Time
Total rounds: 12

From low or high ready,

Two rounds standing

Two rounds squatting

Two rounds urban prone

Two rounds supine fire

Two rounds kneeling

Two rounds brokeback

Score with normal IPSC scoring - 56 to pass

The first drill works on your break-contact skills and the second on unconventional/uncomfortable shooting positions. Enjoy....


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